CCLI # 7245562
ISRC # uspku2001005

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編曲:Steve Thompson

書 1:9; 羅 6:1

主歌 1#

黑暗在四周 祢的光也在左右
可我感覺不到祢 把祢關在門口
我好害怕 在這世界中掙扎
我向外尋求出路 卻不知祢就在身後


當我跌倒的時候 祢一次次喊我
說起來吧孩子 我與你同行


站起來 站起來 你們祈求就給你們
尋找就尋見 叩門就給你開門
站起來 站起來 把心敞開
讓神的光芒照進來 讓恩典常在

主歌 2#

黑暗在四周 祢的光也在左右
當我感覺不到祢 我知祢在身後
不再害怕 我不再獨自掙扎
不論向左或向右 我心堅定緊跟祢走
雖然有時會軟弱 也不在罪中停留
聽見祢的呼喊 必剛強壯膽


因為祢的杖 祢的杆 都與我同在

Verse 1#

In endless darkness,
You’re the source of endless light,
But for me it was unseen:
I’d shut You from my life.
I shook with fear
As I faced a world with strife,
Every effort made in vain,
Forgetting that You were my guide.


But then every time I’d fall,
Each time You’d gently call:
“Stand up again, My child;
I’m here by your side!”


Child, arise, stand up high,
What you ask for, you will receive;
Seek, and you will find,
Knock, and the door will be opened.
Child, arise, stand up high,
Heart open wide,
In every place be filled with grace,
And shine forth God’s light!

Verse 2#

In endless darkness,
You’re the source of endless light.
Even when it feels untrue,
I know You’re by my side!
Gone is my fear
As I face this world of strife,
For I’ve fixed my heart on You,
My compass, my beacon, my guide.

Though from time to time I fall,
I heed Your rousing call
And cast aside my sin,
Courageous and strong!


Though I walk the darkest of valleys,
No evil will I fear,
And Your rod and staff comfort me,
For Lord, You are near.