編曲:Blair Masters
主歌 1
主 我再次 到祢跟前 澆奠我向祢的愛
世上一切都屬虛幻 唯有祢永遠真實
主歌 2
破碎的夢 榮耀冠冕 全擺在祢寶座前
用我淚水來洗祢的腳 唯祢能洗我心靈
主 我要敬拜 稱謝祢 祢是道路 真理 生命
每當我回轉歸向祢 祢再次將我更新
主歌 3
人算什麼 祢竟眷顧 離天家降生塵世
流血捨身為將我贖回 永遠歸祢所愛
Verse 1
Lord, here I am, bowed at Your feet,
Off’ring my love unto You.
This present world is illusory,
But You will always be true.
Verse 2
Glorious crowns, unfulfilled dreams:
These I lay down at Your throne,
Cleansing Your feet with my falling tears,
Letting You cleanse out my soul.
Lord, I will worship and thank You;
You’re the way, the life, the truth!
Each time I turn back unto You,
Then I find my life renewed.
Verse 3
Lord, what is man that you should care?
Why did You come from above,
Yielding as ransom Your precious blood?
Lord, You deserve all my love!