詩 59:16; 詩 91:5,7; 路 10:19
我求告祢 祢應允了我 急難之中祢是避難所
祢使禍患災害遠離了我 因為我信靠祢的名
我求告祢 祢應允了我 急難之中祢是避難所
祢使禍患災害遠離了我 使我踐踏少壯獅子和大蛇
耶和華我的山寨 我不怕黑夜的驚駭
耶和華我的高臺 我知道祢與我同在
耶和華我的盾牌 我的心不再怕傷害
感謝祢奇妙的愛 我向祢屈膝向祢跪拜
雖有千人仆倒在我旁邊 萬人仆倒在我右邊
祢使這災不得臨近 為要顯明祢的救恩
When I have called, You've answered me;
In my distress, You're my refuge.
You will keep disaster far from me
While I call upon Your name!
When I have called, You've answered me;
In my distress, You're my refuge.
You will keep disaster far from me:
I shall trample both the lion and the snake!
Sovereign Lord, You're my refuge:
I'll not fear, for I am with You.
Sovereign Lord, place of safety:
I am strong, for You are with me.
Sovereign Lord, You will shield me,
And my soul shall fear no injury.
How I praise Your matchless love,
And I worship You on bended knee!
Though there be a thousand dead beside me,
And ten thousand more right by me,
You will keep the evil from me;
You will show me Your salvation.