有種渴望在我深處 唯有祢能使我滿足
耶穌是我喜樂泉源 想到祢便覺得甘甜
祢的話是我的倚靠 祢慈愛將我擁抱
耶穌祢是我的至寶 祢對我是那麼的好
祢是我最好朋友 祢使我靈得自由
完全赦免 接納包容 謝謝祢如此愛我
祢是我的避難所 祢用大能扶持我
堅固磐石 永不搖動 謝謝祢在我左右
In my soul there is a thirsting;
It's a need none else can meet.
Oh Jesus, You're my fount of joy-
There’s no thought that is so sweet;
Every word of Yours upholds me,
And Your love sweetly enfolds;
Oh Jesus, You're so good to me-
You're a treasure richer than gold.
You are such a friend to me!
You have set my spirit free!
I'm pardoned and I'm now received;
Thank You for loving me!
Lord, You are my hiding place
Strong in every trial I face!
The Solid Rock who is not swayed:
Thank You for hiding me!