太 16:24; 林前 6:19-20; 林後 5:15-17
那一刻祢拯救我 給我勇氣面對
那一刻祢扶持我 我感動流下淚
從今我不再是我 只想為祢而活
經歷生命的蛻變 新造奇妙可畏
我是如此美麗 我是如此尊貴
我是如此獨特 祢最愛的寶貝
我被賦予力量 我是超乎想像
我被恩典環繞 祢看我為珍寶
橋段 1
我能開口歌唱 我能勇敢去愛
放手了反有所得 在絕處逢生
橋段 2
我要開口歌唱 我要勇敢去愛
敢放手必有所得 在愛裡重生
That wondrous day You saved me, my soul was moved to tears.
You mended me and gave me the strength to face all fears.
I gave, in abdication, my life to You that day
To be Your new creation: the old has passed away!
In Your eyes I'm lovely, in Your eyes I'm precious:
Costlier than treasure, I'm purchased with a price.
In Your might empowered, in Your grace surrounded,
Blessed beyond all measure -- I'm precious in Your eyes.
Bridge 1
Now I'm gladly singing, now I'm bravely loving;
When I gave it all to You,
Oh Lord, You saved my life.
Bridge 2
I will keep on singing, I will keep on loving;
When I give it all to You,
Your love renews my life.