編曲:Jeff Lams
主歌 1
我的心切慕祢 如鹿切慕溪水
何時與祢面對面 解我心思念
主歌 2
深願永居祢院宇 在祢殿裡求問
那日我將不再渴 永浴祢愛河
副歌 1
吹呀吹 神的風 把我帶到祂身邊
燒呀燒 聖靈的火 讓我消失祂裡面
副歌 2
吹呀吹 聖靈的風 把我帶到祂身邊
燒呀燒 聖靈的火 讓我消失祂裡面
Verse 1
How my heart longs for You
Like thirsting deer for streams
Only when I’ve seen Your face
Shall my longing ease
Verse 2
O, to dwell within Your courts
To live inside Your house
Then Your love, a mighty flood
Shall my thirsting douse
Fill my sails, wind of God
Won’t you bring me to His side
Brightly burn, blaze of the Lord
And consume me in His fire