詩篇 68:1-6,32-35; 詩篇 121
祂必不叫你的腳搖動 保護你的必不打盹
保護你的是耶和華 祂在你右邊蔭蔽你
白日太陽必不傷你 夜間月亮必不害你
耶和華要保護你 從今時直到永遠
我的幫助從何而來 我的幫助從何而來
主歌 1
當向神唱詩 歌頌祂的名
祂名是耶和華 要在祂面前歡樂
祂作孤兒的父 寡婦的伸冤者
叫孤獨的有家 被囚的出來享福
願神興起 使仇敵四散 叫那恨祂的人如煙吹散
惟有義人必然歡喜 在神面前高興快樂
主歌 2
世上的列國 要向神歌唱
祂的威榮可畏 能力顯於穹蒼
Where Does My Help Come From
He Who guards you never sleeps,
Nor allows your steps to fail.
He a constant vigil keeps
And provides a welcome shade:
While the sun beats down by day,
And the moon beguiles by night,
Shall the Lord, your guard and aid,
Evermore watch o'er your life.
Where does my help come from?
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord
Who made the heav'n and earth!
God Arise
Verse 1
Sing unto the Lord,
Praise His holy name,
He is the Lord, now let us
All rejoice before Him!
Father to orphans,
A friend to widows,
Gives lonely people homes
And prisoners their freedom!
God, arise and
Your foes will scatter;
They shall melt away like wax in fire!
But the righteous
Shall rejoice;
In Him they rejoice with gladness!
Verse 2
Sing unto the Lord,
All you nations,
Praise Him Who rides upon
The ancient highest heavens!
The skies proclaim His power,
The kingdoms tremble,
For He provides His strength
And power to His people!