CCLI # 7248133
ISRC # uspku2001004

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mp3 原唱音樂

mp3 伴奏音樂

mp3 伴唱音樂

ppt 歌詞投影





編曲:Steve Thompson

出 15:7; 賽 31:2; 賽 45:7


主耶和華是萬王之王 萬民都要來敬拜祂
主耶和華散發榮耀光芒 祂是我堅固保障
主耶和華是萬王之王 萬民都要來稱頌祂
主耶和華散發榮耀光芒 祂是我喜樂力量

橋段 1#

是祂創造萬物 祂掌管一切
祂降災禍賜福 祂的名為聖
祂煉淨一切罪惡 是威嚴的烈火
唯有祂在天地之上 是獨一的主宰

橋段 2#

哈利路亞(哈利路亞) 哈利路亞(哈利路亞) 哈利路亞(哈利路亞) 哈利路亞 祂是萬王之王


King of Kings and Lord of Lords,
Source of all hope and life,
You shine forth the light of Your glory
Nations shall worship You!

King of Kings and Lord of Lords,
Source of all joy and strength,
Earth is filled with light from Your glory,
Nations sing praises to You!

Bridge 1#

You are the Creator, o’er all things You rule;
You govern disaster, but give blessings too;
You purify by fire, and sin is consumed;
Lord, there is no Master but You!

Bridge 2#

Praise the Lord! (Praise His name!) Praise the Lord! (Praise His name!) Praise the Lord! (O praise His name!) King of Kings! Hallelujah!