




腓 3:13-14

主歌 1#

喜樂是從祢而來 愁煩是因祢而去
唱一首歌來讚美 滿心歡喜得安慰
盼望是從祢而來 重擔是因祢而去
世上一切皆虛空 唯見主面得尊榮

主歌 2#

放一下切的顧慮 勝過一切的虛幻
天路歷程雖艱險 有祢相伴不孤單
風雨不能阻擋 全心全意要仰望
高山不能阻礙 直奔天路永不改


啦 啦 啦啦 啦 啦 啦啦
啦 啦啦 啦 啦 啦 啦啦 啦 啦


走過當跑的路 守住所堅信的道
打過那美好的仗 有冠冕為我存留


高山不能阻礙 直奔天路永不改

Verse 1#

All my sorrow is replaced;
All my joy from You proceeds.
When I sing a song of praise
I have all-surpassing peace.

All my burdens float away;
All my hope is found in You.
Empty is this world, and vain,
But You offer life and truth.

Verse 2#

All my folly’s cast aside;
All my worry’s put away.
On the path much danger hides,
But You’ll keep the harm at bay.

Straight to heaven do I see,
Looking past the skies of gray.
I’ll let nothing hinder me;
I will never turn away.


La la la la La la la la
La la la la la La la la la la

Chorus Ad-lib#

I will fight the good fight.
I will firmly keep the faith.
I will run the race before me.
I will wear the crown one day.


I’ll let nothing hinder me;
I will never turn away.