出20:6; 民6:22-26; 申28:6;31:8
願主賜福 保守你
互祂的面光照你 賜恩典互你
阿們 阿們 阿們
阿們 阿們 阿們
副歌 1
願伊施恩 賜福互你
伊的慈愛 直到千代
互你全家 你的兒女
及你所有 子子孫孫
副歌 2
願伊顯現 佇你頭前
佇你後面 佇你身邊
將你圍 lúi 佇你內面
kap 你同在 永無離開
副歌 3
無論清早 或是暗暝
你出你入 伊攏同行
無論啼哭 或是歡喜
伊為著你 攏是為你
The Lord bless you and keep you
Make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you
The Lord turn His face toward you
And give you peace
Amen, amen, amen
Amen, amen, amen
Chorus 1
May His favor be upon you
And a thousand generations
And your family and your children
And their children, and their children
Chorus 2
May His presence go before you
And behind you, and beside you
All around you, and within you
He is with you, he is with you
Chorus 3
In the morning, in the evening
In your coming, and your going
In your weeping, and rejoicing
He is for you, he is for you