撒下 23:4; 賽 9:2; 耶 13:12; 珥 2:24; 該 2:6; 太 4:16; 路 1:78-79; 約 3:6; 徒 12:6-7; 徒 16:26
世上的國都在震動 都在震動
身上的鎖鏈在脫落 在脫落
列國列邦 仰望十架上 神羔羊 唯一的盼望
聖靈的火焰 熊熊燃燒
裂天而降 將罪孽除掉
新酒新油 新的生命
澆灌...... 更新...... 神兒子如晨光顯現
在列國列邦 施行拯救
All the earth is shaking
With a great and fearsome sound,
Captives going free;
Their chains are falling to the ground!
Ev'ry nation's longing for the
Lamb of God, the one Messiah!
O holy fire, from heaven descend,
Our sin consume, and righteousness defend,
And grant new life, a life that never ends!
Refresh, renew!
The Son of God will shine as morning light,
And those that walked in darkness gain their sight,
And love defeat the shadow of the night!
To every land, all the earth,
Salvation come!