詩 24:3-4; 賽 6:5-8; 羅 6:13
主歌 1
拋開一切掛慮 全心讚美祢
全然忘記自己 專一敬拜祢
願祢榮光如火降臨 收納這樂意的祭
主歌 2
當祢賜下言語 我得了更新
當祢榮耀一現 祢奪了我心
我的生命降服於祢 渴望全心歸向祢
獻上眼睛 願能得見祢
獻上耳朵 聆聽祢聲音
潔淨我口 宣告祢心意
手潔心清事奉祢 如聖潔活祭
為祢的榮耀 祢的計劃 祢的旨意
Verse 1
I deny my own self, my cares cast aside,
To worship and praise with all of my life.
May Your glory come down like fire
And receive this sacrifice!
Verse 2
When I hark to Your word, and witness Your light,
My heart leaps with joy, and I have new life!
I submit this life unto Your hands --
All of me on fire for You!
Lord, take my eyes, for I want to see;
Lord, take my ears, for I want to hear;
Make my lips clean to speak of Your will;
Make my heart pure, my hands clean:
Lord, take all of me!
Lord I give my body as tool for Your will:
For all Your glory, all Your plans, and
All Your decrees!