主歌 1
雖我們來自各族各方 胸中懷著共同的異象
看見活水江河自由流淌 融匯成讚美的海洋
主歌 2
施恩座前我們心連心 聖潔祭司都穿細麻衣
獻上稱謝讚美作為靈祭 從日出到日落之地
我們聲合為一 猶如眾水的聲音
求祢敞開天門 彰顯祢恩惠榮耀
主歌 3
一個個都重生在這裡 美麗錫安基督是根基
同被建造成為神的居所 用和平彼此聯絡
使我們手潔心清 將榮耀單單歸祢
使我们同心合意 將榮耀單單歸祢
Verse 1
Though our homes and customs be diverse,
In our hearts, the vision is the same:
Streams of living water are flowing
To join in an ocean of praise.
Verse 2
At the mercy seat we share a place;
In the priestly linens we are dressed,
Off’ring gifts of praise and thanksgiving,
As one from the east to the west.
And we speak in one voice
Like the ocean’s mighty roar,
As we lift up a prayer from us all:
That You show forth Your grace,
And You open heaven’s door
To the nations that answer Your call!
Verse 3
From those born again, a temple grows,
Founded on the stone of Christ the Son;
As we are becoming God’s dwelling,
The bond of His peace makes us one.
Our hearts be pure and holy,
To give You all the glory;
Revival fires, set the whole earth blazing;
With one accord, the more we
Give You alone the glory,
Earth will resound with never-ending praise!