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編曲:Blair Masters

羅 8:22,26,37; 彼前 2:9; 約 1:12; 詩 133:1-2; 腓 2:2,5; 啓 7:9,12; 啓 21:3,4

主歌 1#

受造物勞苦嘆息 指望脫離敗壞轄制
祢救我們出黑暗入光明 成為神榮耀兒女

舊人已成為過去 只因為單單相信
我們的軟弱有聖靈幫助 靠祢必得勝有餘


看哪 神的帳幕在人間
祢做我們的神 我們是祢子民
不再有死亡悲哀痛苦 祢與我們同住

主歌 2#

父 我們和睦同居 如同膏油流到衣襟
願愛心相同意念相同 以基督的心為心

兒女同心高舉祢 各族各方萬國萬民
願尊貴榮耀權柄歸祢 祢國度永遠堅立

Verse 1#

Hear how all creation groans
To be set free from all decay.
From dark into light, from sin into right,
Your children have all been called.

See, all of the old is gone,
And we’re all reborn in faith:
Though once we were weak, we’re strong by Your might;
We’re conquerors over all!


On earth You have built Your dwelling place.
And now we will be Yours, just as You will be ours,
And our every tear You will erase.
There is no more death, no more sorrow.
God dwells within this place!

Verse 2#

See how very good it is
Whene’er Your people live as one:
They live the same love, work toward one end,
One mindset of Christ they share.

Hear them all exalt Your name,
From every tribe, in every tongue:
“All glory and pow’r, wisdom and strength,
Your kingdom shall last fore’er!”