CCLI # 5927159
ISRC # uspku1106004

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編曲:Blair Masters

詩 103:19; 林後 5:21; 來 1:2-3,12

主歌 1#

尚未有時間祂已存在 以權能創造了諸世界
亙古到永遠祂不改變 祂寶座安定在天

主歌 2#

天父所鍾愛 天使擁戴 萬有本於祂 都屬於祂
為愛祂寧捨權柄榮華 為罪人死在十架


榮耀都歸祂 萬王之王 榮耀都歸祂 萬主之主
榮耀歸聖潔被殺羔羊 權柄 尊貴 榮耀都歸祂

Verse 1#

God who preceded all time and space,
Mighty Creator of all that’s made.
From age to age, He remains the same:
King on His heavenly throne!

Verse 2#

Worshiped of angels, beloved of God,
Author of all, to Whom all belongs!
Gladly I render me to His bonds:
Humbled in Him, I am strong!


Glory be to Christ, the King of Kings,
Glory be to Christ, the Lord of Lords,
Jesus the Holy Lamb of God,
Glory be to Jesus Christ our God.