腓 2:6-8; 來 2:14
主歌 1
榮耀都歸神羔羊 榮耀都歸神羔羊
唯有祢配得一切讚美 配做王到永遠
主歌 2
尊貴都歸神羔羊 尊貴都歸神羔羊
昔在 今在 以後永在 獨一全能真神
為愛祢倒空自己 取了奴僕的樣式
甘為罪人掛在十字架上 藉死廢去死亡
榮耀 榮耀 榮耀 榮耀
唯有祢配得一切讚美 配做王到永遠
Yeah~ 獨一全能神
頌讚都歸祢 尊貴都歸祢
Ah~ 權柄 豐富 智慧 能力 榮耀都歸祢
Verse 1
Glory to the Lamb of God (2X)
Unto none but You, all praise is due
And the eternal throne
Verse 2
Glory to the King of Kings (2X)
Who was and is and is to come
The One Almighty God
For love You emptied Yourself
A servant come from on high
And for our sins, gave Your life on a cross
That death itself might die