詩篇 8:1; 66:3-4; 哈巴谷書 3:3-4
哦主 祢名何其美 祢作為何等可畏
全地都要來敬拜祢 將榮耀和讚美歸祢名
祢榮光遮蔽諸天 頌讚充滿大地
輝煌如同日光 手中充滿能力
祢榮光遮蔽諸天 頌讚充滿大地 頌讚充滿大地
O Lord, I have heard of Your fame
I Stand in awe of Your deeds
Someday, all of the earth will proclaim
The honor and worship due Your name
As Your glory fills the skies
The earth will be filled
With the sounds of Your praises
The sounds of Your praises
As Your glory fills the skies
The earth will be filled
With the sounds of Your praises