詩篇 8:1,3-5
我觀看祢所造的天 並祢所設月亮星宿
便說人算什麼 祢竟顧念他
世人算什麼 祢叫他比天使小一點
派他管理祢所造 並賜他榮耀冠冕
耶和華我的神 祢的名在全地何其美
祢將祢的榮耀彰顯於天 彰顯於天
When I consider all Your works,
The moon and stars set in the sky,
I wonder: What is man
That he weighs upon Your mind?
And what, the son of man?
That he should hold near-angelic stead
To rule over all Your works
Crowned with glory on his head.
How excellent, my Lord,
Is Your name in all the earth;
And Your glory and Your splendor
You have set o'er the skies!