CCLI # 5316203
ISRC # uspku0750011

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編曲:Jeff Lams

前奏 → 主歌 1 → 主歌 2 → 副歌上 → 間奏 → 主歌 2 → 副歌 → 副歌 → 結尾

主歌 1#

輕輕地 祢向我走過來 平凡中帶著非凡的光采
我想躲避祢如火的聖潔 卻無能抗拒祢溫柔的了解

主歌 2#

祢說祢那裡有活水 能使我喝了永遠不再渴
祢又說出我的所做所為 莫非祢正是我所盼的那一位


彌賽亞 大祭司 洗淨世人罪孽的
彌賽亞 大君王 祢的政權必加增到永遠


神的道 成肉身 滿有恩典真理 在我們中間
用心靈 和誠實 我們俯伏敬拜祢



Intro → Verse 1 → Verse 2 → Chorus 1 → Interlude → Verse 2 → Chorus 1+2 → Chorus 1+2 → Tag

Verse 1#

Quietly, softly, You came to me
One of us, yet Your radiance unearthly
Though I could not face Your fiery holiness
I could not resist Your forgiving gentleness

Verse 2#

“Thirst no more” — that’s what You said to me
”I give you, water springing eternally”
Then You told me all that I’d ever done
Could it be that You are indeed the Holy One

Chorus 1#

Anointed One, Great High Priest:
You bore the nations’ sin
Anointed One, Mighty King:
Of Your government’s increase there is no end

Chorus 2#

Word of God in the flesh, full of grace and truth
You’re walking in our midst
In all spirit and truth
We fall down and worship You


We fall down and worship You