CCLI # 7074987
ISRC # uspku1701002

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編曲:Ann Ng


太 28:19-20; 可 16:15; 路 10:2; 約 4:35; 徒 1:8

主歌 1#

看哪 田裡莊稼成熟了 收割的人在哪裡

副歌 1 & 2#

教導萬民作我的門徒 遵守我一切教訓

主歌 2#

當聖靈降在你們身上 你們必得著能力
並要成為我的見證人 從這裡直到地極

主歌 3#

主啊 祢的僕人在這裡 恭敬等候祢命令
誠心獻上卑微的生命 願作主的小驢駒

副歌 3#

讓我堅忍滿懷牧人心 領回迷羊歸向祢
因信得救領受新生命 脫離黑暗入光明

Verse 1#

Harvest time is here; the fields are ripe!
Who will go into the field?
May the Lord of harvests send good men
To collect the harvest yield.

Chorus 1 & 2#

To all of creation preach God’s name,
Tell the world the gospel plan,
Making new disciples, teaching them
To observe the Lord’s commands.

Verse 2#

When the Holy Spirit comes on you,
Such a power will descend
That you will be witnesses to God
Through the earth, from end to end.

Verse 3#

Lord, what you command me, I shall do;
I’m Your servant, here am I!
Like the humble colt I’ll carry You;
Yes, I offer up my life.

Chorus 3#

May I have a patient shepherd’s heart,
Guiding back lost sheep to You,
So they turn from darkness into light,
Saved by faith and born anew.