主歌 1
許久以前祂有個夢想 為自己造了一個新娘
將他安置浩瀚的宇宙 美麗的地球
主歌 2
天起涼風 晨昏或日落 他倆同行在伊甸園中
直到有天他聽信讒言 天人永隔絕
橋段 1
噢 但祂心深愛著他
怎能就此遺忘 祂日夜思念的新娘
用血換他生命 用水將他洗淨 他必永遠歸我為妻
主歌 3
如此的愛將石心融化 痛悔的心再次屬於祂
靈魂甦醒 他甘心樂意 跟隨祂到底
主歌 4
再過不久 號角要響起 榮耀新郎 要駕雲降臨
祂要接他回到父家去 永不再分離
橋段 2
噢 因祂心深愛著他
不能就此遺忘 祂日夜思念的新娘
用血換他生命 用水將他洗淨 他必永遠歸我為妻
主歌 5
在那美麗的新天新地 再無死亡 也沒有哭泣
羔羊和新婦從此快樂 永遠在一起
Verse 1
Long in the past, it came to God’s mind
That He’d create a virtuous bride,
And make a world on which she would thrive,
In paradise.
Verse 2
How He’d enjoy the cool of the day,
When He would walk that beautiful place
With His true love! — till she bought a lie
That tore her away.
Oh, in His heart He loved her so!
He would not just forget, He would not abandon His bride!
So He said, “To My cherished one I’ll go,
And with blood I’ll redeem,
And with water wash clean
My beloved and she will be Mine.”
Verse 3
This act of love performed for her sake,
Melted her heart; her soul was awake!
Freed from her guilt, and brimming with joy,
His hand she would take!
Verse 4
And before long, the trumpet shall sound,
Calling the bride, caught up in the clouds,
Bringing her home, to where she belongs:
The Father’s house!
Verse 5
See, the new earth and heaven are here,
Gone is all death, and gone are all tears,
The Lamb and bride, together at last,