CCLI # 7074990
ISRC # uspku1611004

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ppt 歌詞投影






編曲:Blair Masters

賽 9:6; 西 1:16

主歌 1#

夜深了 大地在沈睡 繁星啊 為誰在點綴

主歌 2#

夜深了 大地在沈睡 我心啊 你在思念誰
難道是完美的那一位 噢


那一位啊 祢是誰 為何甘願從尊貴變卑微
那一位啊 我是誰 為何值得祢為我流淚心碎 噢

副歌 1#

帶我飛 脫離地的纏累
帶我飛 一覽天的明媚
我渴望認識祢是誰 渴望認識祢是誰

副歌 2#

帶我飛 脫離地的纏累
帶我飛 一覽天的明媚
我渴望認識祢是誰 渴望認識祢是誰
我渴望認識祢是誰 從祢眼中看見我是誰

副歌 3#

帶我飛 脫離地的纏累
帶我飛 一覽天的明媚
我渴望認識祢是誰 從祢眼中看見我是誰 (2X)

Verse 1#

The night is deep, all the world’s sleeping;
Stars above, why are you beaming?
Could it be it’s for the Ageless One?

Verse 2#

The night is deep, all the world’s dreaming;
Heart of mine, what are you seeking?
Could it be you seek the Perfect One? Oh—


Perfect One, who are You?
How can You love the world You came into?
Perfect One, who am I?
How am I worth the tears of heartbreak You cry? Oh—

Chorus 1#

Let me soar high above the bonds of earth!
Let me soar to the highest heavens!
Oh, how I want to know You more,
How I want to know You more!

Chorus 2#

Let me soar high above the bonds of earth! Let me soar to the highest heavens! Oh, how I want to know You more, How I want to know You more! Oh, how I want to know You more, And discover what my life is for!

Chorus 3#

Let me soar high above the bonds of earth! Let me soar to the highest heavens! Oh, how I want to know You more, And discover what my life is for! Oh, how I want to know You more, And discover what my life is for!