CCLI # 7191640
ISRC # uspku2103001

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翻譯:倪兆康 Steven Ngai



編曲:Blair Masters

但 7:9; 啓 4:2-11; 太 27:51; 來 10:19-20; 西 3:3; 弗 2:4-7; 彼前 2:9

主歌 1#

天上有個榮耀的寶座 其上坐著亙古常在者
威嚴 尊貴 公義 慈愛
天使天軍侍立寶座前 聽祂命令 遵行祂旨意
俯伏敬拜 晝夜不停


聖哉 聖哉 聖哉 聖哉
聖哉 聖哉 聖哉 聖哉

主歌 2#

聖所的幔子已經裂開 帶著羔羊寶血近前來
稱謝讚美 直到永遠
與基督藏在神的裡面 坐在高天瞻仰祂容顏
聆聽主心 傳祂旨意


興起啊 君尊的祭司 興起啊 聖潔的國度
在萬邦宣揚祂的榮美 向萬代傳揚祂的作為


有誰能像祢 俯伏敬拜祢
唯有祢配得 唯有祢配得
權柄都屬祢 榮耀都歸祢
唯有祢配得 唯有祢配得

Verse 1#

In the heav’nly realm there is a throne,
On it sits the Ancient of Days,
Awesome, mighty, flowing with grace,
And a host of angels at His throne
Carry out His will and sing Him praise,
Humbly serving through night and day.


Holy, holy, holy, holy
holy, holy, holy, holy

Verse 2#

Now the temple veil in two has split,
And the blood of Christ for all has flowed:
Glory, honor, worship and praise!
Now my life with Christ in God is hid,
And my God in heaven I’ll behold,
Know His goodness, tell of His ways!


Rise up, a nation of our God!
Rise up, a priesthood of our King!
Forever His mighty deeds proclaim
Declaring the glory of His name!